Thursday, May 12, 2016

Criticism and commentary: Sebastian Espinoza's "PROP 1."

As I was going through my classmates' blogs I came across an original editorial/commentary from Sebastian Espinoza, titled "PROP 1." Going over this article seems to be too late since Proposition 1 was not passed on may 7th. However I still feel like this could easily happen in other cities so it some how is still relevant. Proposition 1 was intended to keep the city from requiring both Uber and Lyft to have fingerprint background checks. 

After hearing about Proposition 1 being voted against I started to think about what Mr. Espinoza was saying.  I agree completely with Mr. Espinoza, everything from these companies lowering DWI rates to them creating more jobs for the citizens of the city. He stated that since Uber and Lyft arrived that DWI rate have decreased. seeing that proposition 1 was voted against does this mean that DWI could rise again in the future? Overall i agree with Mr. Espinoza that we should have of voted for proposition 1. 

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