Monday, April 18, 2016

Criticism and commentary: Lomas' "Abortion Limits Create Nightmare for Parents of Stillborn baby"

As I was going through my classmates' blogs I came across an original editorial/commentary from Megan Lomas titled "Abortion Limits Create Nightmare for Parents of Stillborn Baby." After reading the first paragraph I sat in shock that the doctors rejected the Mahaffey's request to be induced due to a House Bill. House Bill Two includes multiple bans or restrictions when it comes to abortions. I am certain that House Bill Two has its advantages but in this case it seemed unfair and inhumane in certain points, However I do agree with Ms. Lomas that things should be looked over and revised. A little tweaking here and there can make a huge change especially in this case. Having to wait three days for a mother to give birth to her son when she knows her son will not make it out alive seems extremely outrageous. Things happen in life that sometimes cannot be controlled which makes me think that having permanent restrictions on things like birth should be flexible. 

On a criticizing note, I would of like to have seen the positives of having a bill such as House Bill Two and not just why it should be revised, even though I completely agree. I feel like having something good to say about it will make it look as if your not just pointing out the negatives and that it clearly looks like you took time to consider the opposing viewpoints. This way it seems like you have something to argue about because you have all the information and not just because you think it is ridiculous, which again I completely agree with it being ridiculous. Over all I definitely agree with Ms. Lomas editorial/commentary and think she had reasons to consider a revaluation on House Bill Two. 

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