Thursday, April 7, 2016

Texas, slow your roll cowboy.

We are in the forth month of the year 2016 and 11 executions have occurred in the united states. Out of those 11 executions more than half of them have been from the state of Texas alone. As of April sixth, Texas went through with its' sixth execution. Whether some of those 11 deserved it, who knows. Texas should take a step back and realize either that they are jumping to conclusion or its' citizens are awful human beings. Just over two weeks ago another man was executed, making him the fifth person to be executed in Texas. Out of 11 executions throughout 50 states, how did one state manage to execute more than half. 

I say Texas should take a step back but they really need to take a step back. Don't think they should? lets see if you still disagree after this. Texas' first execution was on January 20th, and the most recent execution was on April 6th. There is a total of 78 days between the two dates. In those 78 days, six people have been executed. That averages out to one execution every 13 days. About every two weeks someone is going to be injected with a lethal dose of pentobarbital. I can't speak for everyone but I would rather do my time than be injected and slowly start fading away to your death.

Texas state and local government should slow down and think about their system. They should sit down and ask themselves rather an injection of pentobarbital is required or if time can heal them. They should rethink their procedures in the court house and introduce new ways of punishment that wouldn't make Texas feel like a horrible place to become a citizen or a place where its' citizens won't feel unsafe. 

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